Carbon 101 in 2025
Carbon Terms Explained For more such resources, follow Tamma on LinkedIn ↗️ 1. Carbon Credits Explained These are like green tokens earned by individuals or organisations for reducing carbon emissions. You can buy, sell, or trade them as part of a carbon reduction...
Carbon Audit : A Practical Guide for Businesses in 2025
Carbon Audit 101 Today, most of the UK companies and institutions listed on the London Stock Exchange need to publish in-depth reports about the current status of their impact on the environment and plans that intend to achieve the carbon reduction targets....
CSRD: Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive UK 2023
What is CSRD – Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive? One of the buzzing needs for the hour in sustainable reporting was to create better transparency and awareness of the sustainability impact of the business. It was found that the Non-Financial...
What is a Legal Register & does my business need one?
Legal Register: An Essential Tool for Compliance in UK Businesses This blog outlines the key requirements of a legal register and what makes it a viable tool for assessing your various business functions. Furthermore, legal registers (check iCOR if you’d like...