Three Ps: People, Planet, Profit The concept of the three Ps or triple bottom line recognizes that businesses need to operate in a way that is not only financially sustainable (profit), but also socially responsible (people) and environmentally friendly (planet). If...
The ultimate guide to starting a zero-waste business The concept of zero waste is concerned with managing systems and commodities in ways that create low waste and promise better conservation. These systems help to execute the application of new...
What does zero waste actually mean? There is a growing need to adopt a new set of Sustainable Development Goals that aim to “Transform the World”. Change comes with collective effort, mutual understanding and knowledge toward specific goals. Despite the UN and...
Sustainable Business Model – The X-factor of Innovation In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business world, companies are being pressured to find new and innovative ways to operate in a more sustainable manner. This not only helps to protect the...
Value chain for sustainable businesses Value Chain, also known as supply chain sustainability is the synchronization of environmental, social, and community impact that occurs throughout the lifecycle of the products and services, with the help of better policies and...
UNEA 5 – The United Nations Environment Programme This week I want to talk specifically about the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Programme, after having delved into the broader functioning and purpose of the UNEP in the past week’s blog. Held in...