#RWM18 Seminar – ISO14001 and Sustainable Resource Management

20 September, 2018

We had a brilliant time at #RWM18 – thank you to Prysm Group (especially Evelin, Jack and Dan!) for putting on an incredible event and for looking after us so well! It was a productive and inspiring 2-day event and we are honoured to have been a part of it!

On the 13th September, Tamma Carel of Imvelo Ltd delivered a seminar as part of the RWM (Resource and Waste Management) Conference & Exhibition 2018.

The ISO14001:2015 transition aims to ensure that environmental management systems can address the environmental and wider sustainability challenges faced by organisations operating in a globalised economy.

Sustainable resource management allows businesses to implement actions in relation to the selection, sourcing, usage and re-use of materials, at both an organisational level and across the value chain. Organisations are realising that robust resource management is good for the environment and for business.

Please see the recording of the session below (approx 30 minutes) – please contact me directly if you would like a PDF of the presentation.

Apologies for the background noise at the beginning (it quietens down following my rather cheeky request for the other speaker to be turned down…!)

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